Deborah Kolade


Through our initiatives, we carry out several humanitarian projects to empower women, young girls, out of school children and charity homes.  We are passionate about giving back to the society and ever ready to extend a helping hand.

Find below opportunities for you to support us or partner with us:


  • Legal, material, and financial support for widowed women who have been dehumanised and stripped of their rights.
  • Empowering women with income earning skills and funding to help them start up after the training process.
  • Providing therapy for abused women and mistreated widows.
  • Creating awareness on women’s rights and inclusion.

Access to Education Initiative

  • Funding for an out of school child to enrol in a private school. Funding could be for one term or an academic year.
  • Funding for school materials such as text books, writing materials, uniforms and feeding for indigent children already enrolled in school.

Secret of David Music Ministry

  • Funding to minister to a charity home in songs and meet their material needs.

Get involved

If you’d like to partner with us on any of the initiatives above, please contact us.